AWP Conference: Philly March 23-26 (two dreams become one)
I don’t know what the odds are that my son will learn to speak normally one day. I do know there’s a 60% chance that he’ll have dyslexia, making reading and learning the imaginative, powerful art of words extremely difficult all over again. But there’s a 40% chance he won’t have it.
Similarly, I don’t know the percentage of how many times my manuscript might get rejected. All I know is there’s a chance it won’t.

Successful IVF After Stage 3 Endometriosis (and ANOTHER baby on the way!)
“I think it’s very important to trust your gut. Even the best doctors could use a different perspective. Keep faith, and always believe in creating the family of your dreams, even if it is not created the way you initially hoped for!” -Jessica, carrier mamma of Jameson and Baby Elliot

Family Psychologist on Coping with “Back-to-School” Anxiety Amid Covid-19 Spikes
Whether you are sending your child to school or homeschooling for the first time, here are some important insights and tips to help you navigate a “new normal” — and how to look at life from your child’s perspective in light of some unprecedented hardships and a difficult transition.

The Tragedy No One Is Talking About in the “Back-to-School” DeVos Debate
While I’m personally not a fan of DeVos for past policies and remarks, I will play the devil’s advocate and say that DeVos brings up an interesting, albeit convoluted and controversial, point. Whether she realizes it or not…

2020: The Tipping Point & “Black Lives Matter”—More Contagious Than Covid-19
Divisions aside, the past couple of decades have united us over shared tragedies. There is no doubt in my mind that 2020 is the Tipping Point. And there’s no doubt in my mind that the power of hope and demands for these humanitarian changes are more contagious than the “silent majority.”
P.S. it’s okay to condemn violence, looting, and arson but still believe that the right to protest is a pillar of American society to keep us in check.

Will My Anxiety Ever Go Away?
The #1 question I get from pregnant friends pre and post baby is always something like this: “Does the crippling anxiety ever get better?”

IVF Real Talk: How I Spent $10k To Gain 10 Pounds (but more importantly, why)
My journey to Jackson (baby) was unconventional. The decision to become a mother was complicated. So I’m sharing something I wrote during that uncertain beginning to prove the journey to parenthood is about more than sex and biology. It’s about love and commitment. And it can come in the human and/or pet variety.

When I Stopped Treating My Body Like Trash
So yeah. I made some sacrifices. And I quit my job. I also quit treating my body like trash (okay... with a few exceptions 😬). I quit living in the past. And stopped letting indecision rule my life. I started growing forward and taking lots of steps towards a healthier, happier future with this ray of light as my little cosmic miracle and spiritual guide.